Optimization Techniques for Computer Science

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This page summarize projects submitted and reports and presentation from students for the Optimization Techniques for Computer Science lecture.

Spring 2009 [top]

You can check the Optimization Techniques for Computer Science '09 website on Moodle (login required).

I proposed two joint subjects with Apivadee Piyatumrong entilted Network Communities and Spanning Trees and Volatility of Communication Edges to Construct Robust Trusted Spanning Forests.

Network Communities and Spanning Trees [top]

Project proposals:

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Network Communities and Spanning Trees

Project proposal. (67.798 kb)

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Network Communities and Spanning Trees

Project presentation. (6.978446 Mb)

Student report:

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Detection of communities in Ad hoc Networks and Robust Spanning Trees

Final report, by Laurent Kirsch and Sandy Kirtz. (592.528 kb)

Icon for file(type) keynote

Network Communities and Robust Spanning trees in MANETs

Final presentation, by Laurent Kirsch and Sandy Kirtz. (1.750205 Mb)

Volatility of Communication Edges to Construct Robust Trusted Spanning Forests [top]

Project proposals:

Student report:

Icon for file(type) keynote

Volatility of Communication Edge to the Robustness of Trusted Spanning Forest

Final presentation, by Georges Toth. (1.821936 Mb)

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